Trust, Love & Respect Your Inner Woman


Debt Free at 29


Today, I paid off $23,000 in Debt.
💰 💳 🚫

📢 Disclaimer: This is not a boast post BUT an encouraging & supportive post.

$17,000 of that debt was spread over 9 credit cards. The rest was a personal loan with a HIGH interest rate.

Credit card debt can ruin you.
Credit card debt starts small.

You don’t feel the impact at each swipe, especially not the beginning ones.
In fact, you don’t feel like it’s REAL money.

You focus more on if you can make the monthly payments than how MUCH the payoff (principle plus interest) is.

When we’re young we think, of course!
$35, $55, $67, $123, etc. a month?
NO PROBLEM & I can get those new leather boots, Apple computer and/or new name brand purse.

Mid 20’s and we think, sure we can pay $400-$500 monthly to get that nice car… after all I got a raise? And what’s that extra car insurance for the nicer car? “I got this”… so we tell ourselves.

The problem?
We don’t think about how they all add up until it’s most of our paychecks.
For me… I woke up one day at 26 years old after leaving a bad relationship with $23,000 in Credit Card and Personal Loan debt.

With time, restraint, perseverance… and God’s almighty hands, I paid it ALL off.

I got a clean slate.
Not many do this so quickly, because not many see the snowball effect before it’s too late.
Before it’s $40K, $50K.
And let’s not forget the Student Loan debt.

We need to start educating our youth on how to properly build their credit without being VICTIMS to debt.

Banks preach debt like it’s a good thing.
There is a way to properly use a credit card without being a victim to debt,
But banks don’t talk to you about that.
Why would they?

We need to share tips to others like us on how to slowly pay off debt.

Debt makes you not feel the true benefits of your hard work.
It can make you feel unmotivated at a job you LOVE.
Debt steals your happiness.
It puts you in a lack mindset.

It makes you feel less fulfilled each week because most of your paychecks are going to bills, on items you probably no longer use.

Debt takes away the reward of your hard work and your passions.

Let’s teach ASSETS.
Let’s teach how to PROPERLY build your credit.
Let’s teach 401K’s & tithings.
Let’s teach Financial Discipline.
Let’s teach the Law of Karma.

Let’s encourage others who are in debt on how they can overcome it. Because they can… YOU CAN.

Let’s get rid of the stigma of debt and HELP one another get over the hump.

OH, the things I would tell my 18-25 year old selves.

Today, I paid off $23,000 in Debt.
At 26, I never thought that would be possible.

Let’s come together.
Whose with me?

Let’s say Goodbye to Debt &
HELLO to a Savings & Financial Peace.

There’s no more time for the stigma that comes with debt 💳
Ask for help on the first step; whether it’s your family, friends, boss, coworkers, a financial advisor, budgeting apps, etc.

Start today.

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